1) Rare Summon Drop Rates

- The rare summon is where you use lapis or summon tickets to summon 3★ / 4★ / 5★ / Neo Vision (NV) units.

- The featured summon is a rare summon where featured units appear with boosted drop rates during a limited period of time.

- The NV EXVIUS summon is a rare summon where you use different NV EX summon tickets to summon 3★ / 4★ / 5★ / Neo Vision (NV) units. Lapis cannot be used for this summon.

- The EXVIUS summon is a rare summon where you use different EX summon tickets to summon 3★ / 4★ / 5★ units. Lapis cannot be used for this summon.

- When performing a rare summon, units are drawn independently each time based on their individual drop rates. Therefore, in the case of performing consecutive rare summons, there is no guarantee of obtaining a certain unit.

* For rare summon individual drop rates, rates displayed for each individual unit are percentages rounded down to the nearest hundred thousandths place. Therefore, when totaling the displayed rates of all units, there is a chance the sum will not equal 100% exactly.

* Actual rates for each individual unit are neither rounded up nor down.

* There is a chance that two or more of the same character may be summoned.

* The drop rate for individual units varies by rare summon type.

* Each rare summon is based on a probability including all eligible units. No individual unit is guaranteed after a fixed number of draws. For example, for a unit with a 1% drop rate, obtaining 1 of said unit is not guaranteed after performing 100 summons.

* The time period stated in the drop rates screen refers to the duration of the rare summon event, and may not exactly match the period the drop rates are applied to. The drop rates of any currently featured units may or may not differ following the closure of their specific events.

* The drop rates of units not being featured are subject to change at any time following the start or end of any other summons/events.

* Displayed contents are subject to change in the future.

3) Standard Summon

- The Perma-Premium 10+1 Summon Ticket (4★/5★) allows players to summon only 4★ and 5★ units when used. Drop rates for the 10 units will be 95% for 4★ units and 5% for 5★ units. Drop rates for the ""+1"" unit will be 93% for 4★ units and 7% for 5★ units.

- The 5★ Guaranteed 10+1 Summon Ticket (3★/4★/5★) allows players to receive a guaranteed unit of 5★ base rarity on the ""+1"" of the summon. Drop rates for the 10 units will be 76% for 3★ units, 19% for 4★ units and 5% for 5★ units.

4) Limited Time Units

- In general, limited time units are only available for summoning from their featured unit summons.

- Limited time units may also be summoned through the once a day half-price rare summon on some special occasions. Please refer to the summon screen and in-game news for details.

5) Vision Cards

- A random vision card can be obtained when summoning a Neo Vision (NV) unit. However, unit-specific vision cards cannot be obtained from summoning.

- Obtainable vision cards may vary by summon. Please refer to the individual drop rates section for the card listing.

6) Trust Moogle Events

- Bonus trust moogle events are special events held from time to time.

- Event periods, details on campaign contents, and applicable summons will be announced via an in-game announcement.

7) Trust Moogles

- When used as a material for enhancing another unit, trust moogles increase the base unit's trust mastery by a certain percentage.

- There are different kinds of trust moogles. Trust moogles marked ALL can be used as enhancers for any unit, but other trust moogles can only be used with base units that share the same trust master as the trust moogle to which they are being fused.